Dog Agility, Kent

Best Dog Agility Training in Boughton Aluph


Charles Webb


Looking for Dog Agility Training in Boughton Aluph, Kent? You’ll find a list of THREE best Dog Agility Training near you on our website.

Starting your adventure for Dog Agility Training in Boughton Aluph? If you’re clueless about where to begin, feel confident knowing we’ve charted the way. 

Best Dog Agility Training in Boughton Aluph, Kent (2024)

Our strict selection process has unearthed the top THREE Dog Agility Classes in the region, each carefully examined through a comprehensive 100-point Inspection that analyses local reviews, historical performance, adherence to business standards, ratings, client satisfaction, trust, cost, and their trading prowess.

You’re welcome to peruse quotes, engage with the leading local professionals, and select the most adept Dog Agility Trainers for your dog’s needs.

You’ll find no urgency to hire, which lets you compare profiles, consider previous reviews, and ask for more information before you make up your mind. What’s more – the service is completely free! If additional choices are on your mind, you can always reach out to us.

Check out this list of the best dog agility training facilities in Boughton Aluph, Kent you can join in 2024.

Top THREE Dog Agility Trainers in Boughton Aluph, Kent

Specialist Dog Training

This is a dog training service that offers agility courses for all levels, from foundation to competition. The trainer has over 20 years of experience in dog training and behaviour.

She is a certificated dog trainer with the British Institute of Professional Dog Trainers, the Association of Pet Dog Trainers, and the Northern Centre for Animal Behaviour.

She also offers hydrotherapy for dogs and German Shepherd breeding. She has a 5-star rating and 47 reviews from her clients.

Towers Dog Training

This is a dog training service that provides agility, hoopers, and enrichment classes for dogs of any breed and age. The trainers are professional instructors who also offer online courses, one-to-one sessions, workshops, and behaviour consultations.

They cover various skills such as obedience, gundog, scentwork, and parkour. They have a 4.73-star rating and 54 reviews from their customers.

Beacons Dog Training

This is a dog training service that offers agility courses for all levels, from foundation to competition. The trainer, Lizzie, has over 20 years of experience in dog training and behaviour. She lives in Llangors, which is about 15 km from Boughrood Brest. 

She has a 5-star rating and 14 reviews from her clients. She also offers online classes, one-to-one sessions, and behaviour consultations.

She is an APDT-accredited instructor and a Kennel Club agility judge. She also represents Team England and Team UK at international competitions.

Ultimately, these acclaimed dog agility training facilities in Boughton Aluph, Kent are on hand, stand-equipped, and are available to assist, aid, and contribute to your dog’s energy and athleticism.

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Charles Webb

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