Dog Agility, Kent

Best Dog Agility Training in Boughton Lees


Charles Webb


Looking for dog agility training in Boughton Lees, Kent? You’ll find a list of the three best dog agility training programmes near you on our website.

Launching your expedition for dog agility training in Boughton Lees? If you’re puzzled about where to start, find solace in knowing we’ve forged the way. 

Best Dog Agility Training in Boughton Lees, Kent (2024)

Our comprehensive selection procedure has identified the top three dog agility classes in the region, each evaluated through a thorough 100-point inspection that scrutinises local reviews, historical performance, adherence to business standards, ratings, client satisfaction, trust, cost, and trading capabilities.

You’re at liberty to collect quotes, start conversations with the leading local professionals, and track down the most capable dog agility trainers for your canine companion’s unique requirements.

You’ll find no compulsion to hire, which means you can take your time to compare profiles, explore previous reviews, and ask for more information before you make up your mind.

Above all, you’ll be happy to know it’s absolutely free! Should you want to offer more options, we are always open for you to contact us.

We’ve identified the best dog agility training facilities in Boughton Lees, Kent for your convenience in 2024.

Top THREE Dog Agility Trainers in Boughton Lees, Kent

Ashford Dog Training Club

This club opened in 2005 and offers group training sessions at two venues on Monday and Thursday evenings, covering exercises such as walking on the lead, coming back when called, and navigating obstacle courses.

The classes are limited to six dogs and use positive reinforcement techniques. The club also offers home lessons for owners who prefer to train at home or have a dog with a behaviour problem.

One-To-One Dog Training

This service provides personal one-on-one sessions at your home, ensuring your dog feels comfortable and is more willing to learn. The service is open to all ages, abilities and breeds and also runs a dog-training club where your dog can interact with other dogs and learn agility skills.

Sheps Dog Training

This service offers a fun and challenging programme designed to improve your dog’s physical abilities, mental acuity, and overall well-being.

The service uses positive reinforcement techniques to teach your dog to navigate obstacle courses quickly and precisely. The service offers group classes, private sessions, and residential training to suit your schedule and lifestyle.

In essence, these celebrated dog agility training facilities in Boughton Lees, Kent, are ready, primed, and available to boost, foster, and support your dog’s energy and athleticism.

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Charles Webb

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